
Tom Joyner

Are you familiar with Tom Joyner? He is a retired radio host. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=Tom+Joyner

I have found him to be an interesting character, but he is also missed since his retirement. I happened to come across his name in a “word-find” book and wanted to share some of his “wordsmith” creations with you:

ABC     Alabama     Broadcasting     Daily     Disc Jockey     Energy     Hall Of Fame     Laughing     Listeners     Networks     Number One     On-Air     Personality     Program     Radio     Rhymes     “Right On”     Show     Sociology     Syndicated

Each word easily relates to his delightfully expansive shows as well as his expansive and successful life. He is missed.


Signing off for now!   #buckroth

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